Sunday, August 27, 2006

random stuff...

i hate walking under trees. get the creeps. im afraid of those cocoons or caterpillers hanging on silk thread that might end up on my neck.

it happened to me twice along the same stretch of road. n i squashed one of them while trying to remove it, thinking it was a leaf on my neck. eeew...

some kind of tree huh.... caterpiller haven....


was walking to the bus stop today when i past by a house n saw this cute lil jack russell puppy tied to the gate on a leash. i felt so tempted to pick it up n run away... dun like to see animals being tied up. its bad enough u leave them outside in the rain or sun... to tie them up is worst. oh well. im not that fantastic a dog owner myself. ex dog owner..


before i went to give tuition, i met up with sher for lunch at ajisen. there was a really value for money (at least we think so) set lunch where the noodles cost 10 bucks while u can order a side for either 10cents or 90cents. ok so maybe the cost is incorporated into the noodles la, but the sides cost quite abit on their own. greedy me said we shud order one bowl each...tho sher tot we shud share. den the greedy US wanted to order more sides after we each ordered a 10/90cents side (that makes 2 sides tog). ahhhhh the noodles killed us la... even thought that we could have takopachi after but we were stuffed. gee i think i cant control myself when it comes to food. eat n eat n eat......... n eat....


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