Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Computer clean out

Havent clean my computer since Feb.. When i stayed at campus walk 2, i could give it a vaccum because they provide a vaccum cleaner. and i could easily just suck away all the dust. Now, at campus 15.. they have cleaner coming evert fortnight. i dun have a vaccum to conveniently suck it.

and one fine day, my computer started beeping, no matter how many times i restart/scan with anti-programSS.. it was still making the beeping sound. I was starting to wonder whether it was memory leak. cos it took vvv long to restart and applications opened up much more slower nowadays. And it's contradicting especially when you did all ur basic anti-scanning shit and it's still slow.

I knew it was dusty, but i didnt realised how dusty it was until i finally detach all the cables, and place the whole thing under the lamp...

It was so dusty the black fan looks white or grey.. lol. Spent almost an hour cleaning it out. I had a hard time doing it because i had problem removing my CPU-fan.. the metal heat sink (bottom left) is filled with dust and i didnt have a gd long brush to brush everything out.

After cleaning it out, the beeping stopped. and the computer was smooth once again. Except my internet is having some fucking maintainence which goes on forever. These ISP providers sent me an email telling me that there will be maintainence from friday all the way thru to sat.. fine.. but today's tuesday and they still havent got it solved. pissed off man. Im supposed to be using 512kb/s but... the speed is halved now..

Anyway, the cleaning out of the computer got me thinking.. "maybe i should invest in cleaning tools of computer instead of spending money upgrading all the hardware. Cos the dust not only slows down your computer and makes it hot, it also wrecks your fan, which makes it even less efficient if u dun clean it. i went to do a search on the internet and got me to this site - Mr PC Clean. And i tink this product below will do the job pretty well.
So instead of sucking all the dust using a vaccum, why dun u just blow all the dust out violently. Sucking actually runs a risk of u spoiling your computer parts.. but the air blaster... it probably does the job 3 times as fast as a vaccum. And it looks so cool.. lol

I might have to start looking for one, a cheaper one of course. cos the product is actually compressed air with a tiny tube which allows u to slide it into minute spaces in your computer and blow everything out..

-gon start investing in cleaning tools-


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