Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This is how small we are

Indeed, this is how small Earth is. I tink the same concept is applicable in the world we're living in as well. For example,
  • You think you can save the whole rainforest by re-using and re-cycling paper
  • You think you can make a difference when you sign an online petition against animal abuser
  • You think you can save water by rinsing your mouth with a mug instead of rinsing your mouth off a running tap
  • You think you can save the eco-system by not littering into the sea
  • You think you can save the environment by bringing your own bio-degradable bags when you go shopping
  • You think you can save the world
Fact is, you can't.
  • For every single piece of paper you re-cycle, you have people who throw a piece of paper away when they got off a bad start when writing an essay.
  • For every signature you sign in an online petition against executing an animal abuser, another dog gets eaten up by China people (Once again, i have to stress that Chinese from Malaysia & Singapores DOES NOT EQUAL CHINA PEOPLE)
  • For every piece of litter you do not throw into the seawater, there's another massive oil spill somewhere else
  • For every bio-degradable bag u use when u go shopping for groceries, there are 20 people behind the queue waiting to get a non-degradable plastic bag even when they are just buying a bottle of water or a tube of chewing gum. Or you may even have aunties who steal plastic bags which are meant for you to put vegetables and fruits into
Bottomline: You are too small to make a difference. I know i might be abit over-pessimistic here. But as Celine Dion sings


At 9:29 PM, October 18, 2006 , Blogger moomoosthecow said...

oh. before i saw the video clip, i was thinking... u sure are a pessimist. i mean, even if what u say is true, it doesnt kill to have abit of hope in this world.

but..... lol. earth is but a minute speck in the milky way.... n there are thousands, perhaps millions more 'milky ways' out there... what's a teeny human bean gotta do to change anything?

oh well. ignorance is bliss. i still like to save my paper n use it both sides, i still like to save plastic bags n reuse them, i still sign petitions (though i know the online ones r pretty much useless shit), i still save water (its damn ex in spore), n i am strongly against littering in the sea. as long as it makes me happy....


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